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Farewell to Bling Your Blog!

Sharing is caring!

I’m not sure if many of you are still interested in the “Bling Your Blog” series, and seeing as my Saturdays are quite busy and exhausting, I’m going to suspend the it for now. Unless people come forward and defend it…but let’s face it, we’ve covered most of the big things. How about this: If there’s something you want to know how to do and I get enough requests, I’ll cover that topic.
Thanks guys!

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  1. OrangeMama says:

    I defend! Well, I don't know what else you might cover but since I've subscribed to your blog, I ve been reading them carefully and saving them for future playing with my blog. Well, I guess I just wanted to drop a note that I read and love those posts. And thank you!!!

  2. I'm sure all of that is very time consuming. I've bookmarked those posts for when I have time to work on mine. I also know if I have a question who to ask. Thanks.

  3. Better Life Bags says:

    just finally finished all your tutorials 🙂 Thanks for helping me "spruce up" my blog!


  4. Love the series!!! It has helped me SOOO much! I have been wondering how to stretch the template and have such a big post area. I just started a blog and it made me choose some of the new templates but I can't find how to stretch the new template to make it look like yours and take up the whole page. If you have an answer I would love to hear it. Thanks for the other bling your blog posts!!!! They are a MAJOR help, and you make it so easy to follow the steps. thanks again


  5. Mruna Mistry says:

    Bling your blog was really helpful! I hope maybe you'll do some more on that later if not now…you know occasional tutes for other things to do with adding to a blog and stuff!

  6. Bling your blog has been SO helpful for me. I have bookmarked every one of them!

  7. I LOVE you Bling series. However, I understand it's an incredible time commitment. This should be fun for you. I'll still be here reading and enjoying all you share.

  8. Traveling Thrifter says:

    I love Bling your Blog…I've made the button so far but the second one (how to make different pages, and then the header part…confuses me lol) but once I can figure it out I will be doing it….it's very very useful…even if you don't do it as much, I'd love for you to keep doing it

  9. I also have saved all the posts til i have time to sit and play! I hate the blah blogger look, but haven't had time to do anything yet, and before your posts would have had NO idea what to do! i need a button, asap, so i'm going to be looking at that one this week!

  10. Heidi Ferguson says:


    Actually making a button was the first one I did!

  11. I love that Bling info. I have been slowly trying to get a couple blogs going and it has helped a ton. Thanks for all your hard work!

  12. Just wanted to say that I've been using your series to set up my blog and I'm super grateful for the time and effort you put in to the tutorials!!

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