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Our Halloween Costume Parade

Sharing is caring!

You might have already heard, but Crafting with the Stars Round 2 is up and you can go vote! 
In the meantime, this is what we were wearing this weekend:

What did I do?  I did NOT make my little boys’ costumes.  I had bought the dalmation costume a couple of years ago for super cheap and this year I saw a really nice fireman costume at Carters for a really good price.  So we went with a Fireman theme.  
I made my ‘fire’ costume and my husband’s fireman pants.  My husband is not huge into dressing up, but he’ll do it as long as his costume is reasonably comfortable.  And seriously, what could be more comfortable than wearing basically PJ bottoms and a T-shirt?  
My costume came out better than I expected, although the felt was bulky and didn’t offer much of a slimming effect.  But the headband was fun!  Some thought of Katniss Everdeen, “The girl who was on fire.”  PS, I liked all the pictures in black and white, but my pic looked weird like that.  So that’s why it’s the only color picture, haha.  I’m not trying to draw attention to my picture, that’s for certain!
Whew, Halloween is over!  Hope you all had a blast though!

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  1. Hey!!! You guys looked great! I was sincerely bummed that I didn't get to see you at the party. 🙁 Great work on your costumes! 🙂

  2. I love it. I love the theme costumes & you look h-o-t! 🙂

  3. HoneyScrap says:

    This has to be the best family themed costumes I have ever seen! I LOVE that you were the "fire"…so clever!

  4. Firemen are near and dear to my heart! My husband has been a firefighter for 10 years now! 😉

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