The Picture Board Giveaway
I am so privileged to know so many people who are so creative and talented…and I meet more of these talented folk every day! Today’s spotlight, Holly from The Picture Board is actually a friend of mine who is so cute, and her product is adorable!
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These are so cute! I would love one to give to grandparents…(and keep one for myself!) |
HBL: What is your favorite thing about your craft/product?
TPB: I like that it’s unique, affordable, and easy to use. It’s the kind of thing I would buy if I saw it online or at a store.
HBL: Describe a typical day for you.
TPB: I spend up to a few hours a day collecting our online orders & passing them on to my husband to build, boxing up & shipping orders, responding to emails, and finding new places to advertise. Most of my day, however, is spent chasing around my two-year-old son! (business work usually just gets done while he’s napping or sleeping at night)
HBL: How do you balance all your responsibilities and work?
TPB: I put family first and fit everything else in wherever I can. 🙂 My husband is a huge support, however, and he’s always there to help me when I get stressed out!
HBL: Tell me a little about your family…husband, kids?
TPB: I have a fabulous husband who is a general contractor, currently running his own construction business. We’ve been married for five years, and we have an adorable little 2 year-old boy, with another one on the way, due in March. I am blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home-mom, and I love it!
HBL: What would you do if you had a day off?
TPB: A day off from all responsibilities?! I would want to spend it with my husband–shopping, eating out, and seeing a movie, or something along those lines.
HBL: What are your hopes for the future?
TPB: My hope is that someday we can grow The Picture Board to be big enough to outsource the building & shipping of the boards, or sell the whole company for lots of money. 🙂
Eww, I don't want to be first! I was a slightly up tight "good girl" in middle school, big hairsprayed bangs and all!
would Love to have one of these picture boards!
I love their plain medium board… can't decide which saying I'd get though… probably family or Live, laugh, love… i love how easy it would be to change out pictures!!
Love them all! Too cute!
In middle school? Ugh. I was the girl with the big glasses, in band class, sitting there without clue. I like to think that I've grown out of that!
Visited the website, and my favorite is the one on the homepages. Black with beadboard would be PERFECT in my formal living room. I'll get my wall and pictures ready right now…
I love her stuff! how creative!!
I love the medium with "all boy" and "sweet girl". Those would look awesome in my house! They are all very nice though.
In middle school I was the girl with the "blue special" clothes and a big heart! I did not really fit in anywhere but had friends in many different cliches.
I have to say I was pretty cool in high school…tear-away pants and sparkly lip gloss, jean overalls and platform shoes…style was what you made of it! 🙂
I was all about sports and friends, who needed the education, right?
I would love one of these. I would have to choose just the right title, though. Great highlight, Heidi. I have never seen these before!
I would love the black, large picture board! I would customize it with my family's name and give it to my parents for Christmas. 🙂
In middle school, I was the geeky girl with big glasses. Thankfully, I wasn't socially awkward so I did have some friends. 🙂
OH my gosh everything on their site is stunning!! Love it all!
Oh please…don't remind me what I was like in middle school. Gawky, tom-boyish, trying so hard to fit in yet soooo invisible to everyone. I can totally relate to those who feel rejected and dorky.
oh i saw them at swiss days and love them.
I was a shy quiet girl with glasses and braces. Sure glad i don't have to go through that again 😉
In middle school I had braces, grandma glasses (they were not cute back then) and I was such a tomboy and hated to shop (I shudder at the last one). But all that awkwardness made me into the quirky person that I love today!
Love the black boards with "sweet girl" saying – would be perfect to document 1 yr of my daughter
poohsden at gmail dot com
i was the bully in middle school!!
i love the medium grandkids one! i would give it to my mother in law 🙂
I love the picture boards! =) They are so cute and perfect for storing pictures!!
I was a super shy girl who had braces AND glasses. =)
those sure are cute, I would love to win a picture board, they are affordable too.
I was a whole head taller than everyone in middle school, I stuck out like a sore thumb, walking down the halls.
I love those picture boards. I've never seen those.
In middle school, I was very shy, but I did my work, and always wanted to please my teachers.
Love them all! Great gift idea!
In Middle school? I was a preppy cheerleader I guess. I outgrew that by high school though. I had a nasty perm that i never put gel in, it was NOT cute!
I didn't mind middle school… I hung out with a lot of different people at school, but never really after… I was a manager for sports, but never on the team…
I love the plain white large picture board. So cute!!
In middle school, I was the artsy, creative, musical girl who had a ton of friends…all different types (we all grew up together form K through 12th so we all stayed friends even if some were popular, others weren't, etc)…We were lucky!
These are adorable, and would be perfect for my mom and mom-in-law for Christmas gifts! They'd have to say Grandkids and probably need to be brown to match their decor.
The LARGE board (with the BB) would be great for my mom, since she has 9 grandkids 4 and under. Since my mom-in-law has 2 grandkids, she could probably fill a medium one.
Oh boy, in middle school? I was for a long time VERY involved in sports, so I didn't do much else. I made my first sewing project at home in middle school….M.C. Hammer pants! 🙂 They were so COOL! 🙂
I love the "Always & Forever" board. All of our expensive wedding photos would look wonderful in this frame.
In Middle School I was a quiet why girl who always did my homework and cared way too much what the teachers thought about me. I also had these really large barrell roller bangs for a while….not flattering on anyone. haha
I love the large picture board in brown….
What a great idea! I want that large one. I always have tons of 4×6 pictures but it is such a pain to change out the photo frames. Very cool!
One word regarding Middle School – AWKWARD. I didn't fit in. I didn't want to be there. I was tall and lanky. Just was awkward. I would never go back to middle school or high school. LOL!
I love these boards! Especially the bead boards!
Middle school… oh how I'm glad that's over! Lil overweight, read while I walked home, BUT had and still have an awesome sense of humor!!! What's lifan't laugh? :De if you c
This would absolutely be a perfect gift for my mom! She loves displaying pictures, but doesn't have updated ones cause she doesn't like switching them out. I love them all, especially the All Boy one, since I have 4 boys. 🙂
And middle school? Bleh! One word… NERD.
I would love the large one in my family room! Or a small one for each of the kids. or… I could probably put one in each room of the house!
Middle school was not a good time. I was the quiet girl that didn't have many friends. And didn't really have any idea of how to dress or anything. It was not pretty. High school stunk, too.
I love the Family Picture Board . Thanks or the giveaway. Lizi Serrano /
i guess i was more of a nerd in middle school…. not the smartest but defintely ran in the "honors group" u know the one's that actually cared about our grades and respected authority! What a strange thought right!
lizi serrano /
I love these! I would get the medium black board with "family" lettering. Thanks for introducing me to this awesome product!
Oooooh! A Christmas gift for grandma and grandpa has been found. Hoo-ray!
In middle school I had glasses, braces and awful wavy hair. I'm glad that phase is over with! I did have a great group of friends though!
I'd like to think I am much different now than then, but I still don't have the naturally curly hair figured out…
Oh my gosh I love these! Middle school?….Umm, I've tried to block that portion of my life from my memory! 😉 haha I was a dweeb!
Oh my goodness, they're all so cute, but I love the middle and large sizes especially. So much fun!
I love these boards – especially the bead board ones. Black would be perfect and I know exactly where I would hang it!
Braces and bushy eyebrows. Need I say more? 🙂 I was always in the "friend zone" with all the guys and could be incredibly shy or incredibly outgoing, depending on who I was with. I was your basic, awkward teenager! 🙂
Middle school – sure, hit the awkward years! I went to a pretty small school so basically your rep stayed with you the whole time. I was a goody goody and quiet for the most part. I got teased on the bus alot for being Chinese. Not a time I want to go back too!
Middle school – sure, hit the awkward years! I went to a pretty small school so basically your rep stayed with you the whole time. I was a goody goody and quiet for the most part. I got teased on the bus alot for being Chinese. Not a time I want to go back too!
I was like everyone else in middle school.. trying to fit in but not quite making it. I would never want to go back to that time!
I would love the large picture board, I have tons of pictures of my two year old stacking up and it would be a great way to display them.
In middle school I was the nerdy choir girl. A very good girl at this age 😀 I loved school, but hated waking up! Loved the boys…still love my boys!
Such a fun and cute way to display pictures!
I take so many pics of my firstborn (and only son), I would need the LARGE! 😀
In middle school, I was funny enough to keep myself out of fights, nerdy enough to make good grades, awkward enough to not be *in*. 🙂
I came over from Ucreate. I'm loving the large "Always and Forever" Board. What a creative product!!
In middle school, I was all nerd. Super shy, bad clothes, bad hair, in the band… get the picture. So glad to be done with that!
Oh I love these! I would pick…all of them 🙂
I was just as dorky as everyone else. Tall, clumsy, awkward. It took me till sophomore or junior year of high school to grow out of that.
Love the pictures boards and would get a large one for the grandparents to have.
In middle school I was pretty much a plain jane – quiet but involved in choir and worked in the library!
In middle school I was the chunky girl who had a crush on a guy who was "out of her league". Does anyone even have a league at 14? LOL…
Oh Middle School. Torturous years. The funny thing is now I know how lucky I was and I wish I coud go back and just enjoy my time.
I like the medium-size board with Family on it, although any of them would be a great gift!
Middle school? I was quiet and tried hard in school. And I liked drama!
I've been to the Picture Board and just love the concept. I think the bead board designs are my favorite.
In middle school ~ do we have to go there? Smart, but not with the styles…oldest of 7 kids, so there wasn't a lot to put into the right color, style, etc. I survived without much trama. 🙂
Love these! I would probably have to go with the sweet girl frame since I have two girls! All of their frames are great!
I was the girl in middle school who spent 2 hours every morning crimping my hair (I am so dating myself). I was all about boys, not school!
ahhhh! middle school!!! oh my! ha ha ha ha ha ha i cant help but crack up! lets see i was very self conscious, and was boy crazy!
WOW!!! these are sooo cute!! are you kidding me! i want one in every room of my house!!! i LOVE it! i know what i want for Christmas for my new house! i just love the The Picture Board – Large with the Family! sooo cute! what a great gift idea! thanks!!
They are all very cute!
Those are really cute! And it would be so much easier to change out for new pictures all the time! I really like the medium sized bead board one.
In middle school I was a short scrawny girl with big glasses who was always reading a book. In class I would have the book I was reading over the book for the subject we were talking about in class so I could read. I was a bit of a nerd!
I was a tomboy in middle school. I got along better with the boys and hated the girly stuff.
I like the one that says LOVE on it. If I win maybe I can finally put some wedding pictures up….its only been 4 years. haha
In middle school I was quite dorky. I was tall and gangly, and was always glad to have friends who didn't care!
This is such a fun giveaway. I love the frames!
Hope I win!
So cute! What great ideas!
I was the most awkward child alive in middle school. I still had some baby fat, paired with a really terrible hairstyle!
I love the picture boards. So cute. The one that says bundle of joy is adorable. I've been looking for something to put in the lil' bub's room!
I was a complete nerd in middle school that liked to tattle tale. *sigh* It is true.
The picture boards are really neat. I like the Medium one in brown. I would definitely be able to find a spot in my house for one!
middle school… I remember a lot about middle school. I was a cheerleader and I remember thinking I was so cool because of it. I remember "having a boyfriend" when in reality he was only a friend since all we ever did was hold hands. I remember the dances and how awkward they were. I had braces, but luckily already had my contacts. Definitely the goofy part of my life.
middle school…I was a teachers pet at first…not the best thing for making friends. I did meet my best lifelong friend my first day of middle school so that was a plus. We did have fun but I am glad it is over.
qt_girl2000 at hotmail dot com
I love the medium picture boards. I know just the place I would put it in my house.
qt_girl2000 at hotmail dot com
Middle school for me wasn't actually that long ago (I finished 8th grade in 2000), but I was definitely in an awkward phase physically… Taller than most of my classmates (including a good percentage of the boys!), super skinny (I was asked if I was anorexic alot, even though I ate like it was the last day on Earth EVERY day!), and we wore uniforms to school, no makeup, and nothing in my hair!
Middle school, hmmm, so long ago. I never felt awkward, but when I look back at pictures, I really wish I had worn better clothes. It took me a while to get my sense of style. I wouldn't say I was a nerd, but I definitely wasn't one of the "cool" kids. 🙂
They're all so cute. I love picture frames and am constantly buying them. I love that you can fit so many pictures in these. I'm expecting a boy soon and one of these would be great to put his pictures in.
I absolutely LOVE these. I've been wanting one SO bad. I love the white beadboard frames. Thanks for the giveaway!
haha middle school. i'm pretty sure i had an awesome perm and wore the most hideous clothes. I was a total teacher's pet and everyone hated me because I aced everything. haha. oh good times!