Tutorial Sent!
Thanks for your great response to the new PDF tutorial! I have just sent it out to all of your email addresses, so you should be getting it soon. 🙂
However, I am sure there are people who I missed. You either didn’t leave your email, wrote it wrong, I wrote it wrong, or whatever. If you don’t get the email from me in the next little while, just shoot me an email (honeybearlane@gmail.com) and ask for one directly.
I want one! I don't know if I'll ever actually sew a tutu but it makes me feel happy to at least have it as an option.
mandyblogs (at) live (dot) com
I don't have one yet!=(
P.S. remember the ael in nathanael and the e in iversen.
I'd love one! I'm thinking of Blue and Green for a peacock costume…… Will I be able to make the pattern larger for an adult?