Craft Bloggers Yahoo Group
Sorry for my lame posts lately…I am suffering idea burnout after participating in Crafting with the Stars. Oh did I forget to mention that I’m in Round 4? Can you believe that?!! I really can’t, because you know what is weird? I finished LAST every. single. time. Yet I still moved on. But every project I made I really loved, and I will have them for a long time after this competition is over.
Round 4 is something Christmas-related and I had to think for a good long time before coming up with my idea. I don’t think my idea concept is anything revolutionary but I’m excited to use it during the holidays for years down the line.
When we first started the contest, Tam (from Sew Dang Cute) would send out group emails with instructions and information for us. Soon we all started emailing other little tidbits and making friendships with all the craft bloggers. Amanda (from Crafts by Amanda) set up a Yahoo group for all of us to easily communicate and it’s been lots of fun. And anyone can join! The only requirement is the you have a craft blog (cuz we talk craft blog stuff.) Here’s an invitation for ya:
To join the Craft Bloggers Discussion List please send any email to
from the Yahoo Groups website
Amanda will verify your craft blog and then approve your membership. Then you can join in on the fun!
Also, one more thing: if you have a cool tutorial you want to share on my blog please tell me!! I would LOVE to feature you. You get to advertise your mad skills and blog here and I can take a little more time to sew! Win-win. Just submit your tutorial HERE. If you have any Christmas or Thanksgiving tutorials, they will be featured first. Most non-holiday tutorials will be posted after Christmas. And they don’t even have to be new, you can submit older tutorials too!
Have a great weekend and check out the final projects on Sunday!