The Best Resolutions You Should Make
1. De-Clutter
This is at the top of my list since I feel like I can’t accomplish anything else unless I do this. I think literally every surface of my smallish apartment is covered in crap. It makes me want to scream and rip my hair out.
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2. Get Organized
The logical next step after de-cluttering. I want to buy one of those huge EXPEDIT units from IKEA for my sewing area and shove everything in there. The Idea Room is going to have a new blogger series on Organization and I can’t wait to follow along.
3. Be Spiritual
Being LDS, this is something that is close to my heart. I have been so busy the last several months that the simplest things to do like read scriptures and pray have slowly been diminishing. I need to get back on top of that along with doing other things like attending the temple and having Family Home Evening.
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4. Adopt a Healthy Attitude
I’ll definitely spend a lot more time going into this, but rather than making my resolution “Lose weight’ or “Eat healthy”, I have long wanted to just change my entire attitude and lifestyle regarding my health. I want to not be ‘on a diet’ the rest of my life, but rather eat healthy most of the time with the occasional treat. I want to make exercise a very normal part of life. The groundwork has been laid for this, but 2011 will be THE YEAR.
5. Be an Active Friend
I don’t want my resolution to be “be a better friend” or other such vague nonsense. Being an Active friend entails things like writing letters, dropping by, checking in, making plans. DOING rather than ‘oh yeah I need to call so-and-so.” {Dorky Blogger Joke Below}
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6. Balance Creativity
My work is creative. So I do lots of creative things for other people, but rarely for me. I want to find that balance where I work on work things and then work on things for me. I have quilts to make for my kids, things to paint, clothes to sew. For me.
7. Adopt Positivity
Get an cute Asian baby and name her Positivity. Nope, that’s not it. I tend to be a little pessimistic, focusing on all the crappy things that happen versus the good things that came as a result or despite of. When I have a hard week I need to rewind and remember that one time that Will said, ‘I love you Mommy’ or that my husband gave me a back rub. I need to remember all the adorable smiles my baby gave me rather than the fact that he wouldn’t take a good nap all week. Positivity.
8. Ask More
I touched on this one time, but I feel pretty strongly about this. And I fail ALL. THE. TIME. I am going to shut up about myself and ask others about themselves. Even if they forget to ask me questions back and it starts getting awkward, I will just push through and ask them every question they could possibly answer: “How is your mother? How is her bunion?”
9. Re-Introduce Romance
This is how my evening starts nearly every night: Kids in bed, Heidi collapses on couch with computer on lap and TV on. Hubcap collapses on recliner with computer on lap and TV on. We watch TV and fiddle on computers until bedtime. Sad, sad, sad. 2011 will bring a renewed relationship with my husband. More time for each other and more time for romance.
10. Focus on Quality
This has to do with my work mostly. There’s no doubt in my mind that every small business owner would admit to quality slipping when times get too busy or there’s too much work. I am committed myself to excellent work and realistic time lines. {So if you are expecting a baby and want a Honeybear Lane bedding set, get your order in soon! I’m already booking up March. Just FYI.}
1. Touch your toes (without bending knees!)2. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch.3. Write a short story.4. Call your mother.5. Make a baby.6. Run a mile without stopping.7. Meet your neighbors.8. Organize your medicine cabinet.9. Take one piano lesson.10. Read a book by Charles Dickens.11. Take a trip to a state you’ve never visited.12. Learn to sew.13. Get a too-small pair of pants to zip up.14. Ask your husband “How was your day?” right when he gets home.15. Share your testimony of God with someone.16. Feed some ducks.17. Learn how to make pie crust.18. Write a poem.19. Buy something red to wear.20. Forgive yourself of something.
Surely you can do one of those things! Here’s to 2011!!
Happy New Year to you Heidi. Love your resolutions! Thanks for sharing them with us.
I've already done like five or six thimgs on that list… more than once! But go, Heidi!!
Well, more like ten or eleven!
That's a pretty awesome list going there, Heidi!!