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Help! My Three Year Old is Malfunctioning!

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I want a refund.
Or store credit at least.
The kid that I ordered is not working properly.
I was supposed to get the kind, happy, polite, and obedient model.
But mine seems to frequently be the opposite.
Can I at least see the owner’s manual?

Oh I see…this is a mandatory function?  Of all models?
They go through their ‘independence development’ in order to function properly later on.
Hmm…why wasn’t I told about this?

The Independence Development function is causing my Mothering Program to fail.
The Patience Output has greatly decreased.
The Battery in general is just worn out.
The entire outer appearance has definitely seen better days and is no longer under warrantee.
(But the yelling and counting outputs are working in tip top shape.)
I think the Motherboard is just fried.

Welcome to three years old.
It’s a good thing he’s so cute.

{*Disclaimer:  He has his sweetheart moments.  Fleeting moments that I cherish.  Just kinda wish they occurred more frequently.} 
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  1. Nina @ Momma Go Round says:

    Oh girl I needed this today!!! Today was probably the worst day we've ever had. SCREAMING fit in the doctor's office, slept through lunch but then decided to not nap, and a fit at dinner with my parents. I swear I was on the verge of tears for most of the day. Thank you for reminding me that it's just a phase, this too shall pass, and we've all been there. LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} says:

    Okay, this was darn hilarious…hilarious because I feel this way about my 2 and 4 year olds just about everyday! It's always good to know that there are other also being put through the torture of the toddler years! Thanks for the laugh and perspective! (c:

  3. I can relate! 🙂
    Someone recently asked me how I had made it through the teenage years with my children. I told him, "The teenage years weren't bad at all… I thought I'd never live through age three!"

  4. Laura@Corner House says:

    Holy Cow! The same thing happened like the DAY my little Logan turned 3. It was like some said to him "You are 3 now so feel free to melt down at any moment."
    Cute little stinkers.

  5. 3 is such a hard age! I don't know why they say "terrible twos." They obviously gave up before they saw how bad it gets at 3. Two-year-olds are nothing compared to three-year-olds. Good luck to you. I'll be there again soon.

  6. TOTALLY know that feeling and my son is only 18 months! 30 minutes naps+never being happy with what I offer him to eat+always wanting to do something other than what we're doing=one tired and burnt out mom!

  7. My son is almost 16 months old so I'm just bracing myself for the 2's and 3's! I've heard wonderful things about James Dobson's book "Dare to Discipline." I own a copy of one of this other books, "The Strong-Willed Child," but haven't read it yet either! Just remember to pray and ask for God's help…I like to think that my child is really His, and in a way He's just entrusting me with his care for awhile. Just ask Him for renewed strength and wisdom when you're not sure what to do. And take time for yourself too! I find I'm a much better mommy after I have dinner out with the girls, or even just taking his naptime and reading a book. :o)
    Keep us posted!

  8. Kim @ craftyNHmom says:

    HA HA!! Great post. I love your blog. My son just turned 3 on Friday and I can really relate!! He's our 4th child and more difficult than the other 3 combined. Maybe it's because I'm in my 30's and not my 20's anymore? Or he's trying to be independant like the older sibs? Who knows. Some days I want a refund too, lol! I love your photo! Too funny.

  9. My mom (who has been a preschool teacher for 25 years) has a great saying she uses.

    Terrible Two's lead to the Trying Three's.

    3 is such a hard age on kids. They're not considered a toddler anymore but not yet ready to be called a big kid. It's an in-betweeny stage and it's hard for them to find their place, their independence.

    Just remember, this too shall pass since the Trying Three's lead to the FANTASTIC Four's!!

  10. Oh Great. I've got twin two year olds and a one year old that think he's two and they're showing glimpse of this behavior. I am not looking forward to this at all.

  11. The Allen Family says:

    Lol! So true!!

  12. Thanks for the memories. LOL My son who is now 35 was the same way. I always tell him he was lucky that there wasn't a lease on him. I wouldn't of renewed it. I can only tell you it will get better, and how proud you'll be when he makes you a grandma. Enjoy every minute, because in a heart beat he will be grown.

  13. Oh my Heavens!!! I think we have the same model. My almost 3 year old is completely malfunctioning. Meltdown soon to unfold! OY! You are NOT alone in this. Just keep swimming!

  14. House of Smiths says:

    hahaha! Oh GOSH! I SO feel ya. I think it's because we were out of town… what do you think? ha!

  15. Hahahahaha! I have always said they were pretty misleading in the motherhood cruise brochure!!!

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