I’m craving a burger and fries.
What a relief.
I’m so glad the cat’s outta the bag.
Some of you might have guessed (Nina) by all my griping and asking for help. Um…remember how I had a whole month of guest posters? Thanks again by the way.
So now you all get to endure the next six months of me giving you every juicy detail of my pregnancy.
This is my third pregnancy…shouldn’t this all be ‘old hat’ now?
In some ways it is.
But this pregnancy has been very different than my first two. For the first 10 weeks I was virtually symptomless.
Which actually scared me quite a bit.
I mean some things were the same, bloating and tenderness.
But no nausea.
With Will, I barfed every. single. day. I lost 10 pounds. I had quite a few gross stories to tell, like that one I threw up in the Chevron in Page, AZ.
With Lukey, I didn’t barf that much, which resulted instead in me constantly feeling like I wanted to throw up, unable to really do a thing. The couch started to mold to my body shape.
So you can understand why this no-nausea thing was throwing me for a loop.
The other weird symptom I had was emotional.
The first six weeks were filled with crushing depression.
I couldn’t be alone.
I was already freaking out about being pregnant when my baby was still…well, a baby.
But add the crazy-lady hormones on top of that and I was certifiable.
After the depression started to lift it morphed into what it is now, hyper emotional.
Which I think is more of the pregnancy norm.
Now? The slightest annoyance can make me do this:
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And the tiniest sad or touching thing makes this happen:
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Sometimes I find myself crying for no reason at all.
And country music? Forget about it.
The very hardest symptom though was the overwhelming tiredness. Never in all my life have I felt so exhausted. Never! And people, I have two kids. I had to take at least three naps a day in the beginning and my children got acquainted with their new mother, the TV. I had to stop exercising because if I did, it would completely wipe me out for the remainder of the day.
Now that I’m 12 weeks, when most people normally start feeling better, I am feeling worse than ever. The nausea has finally hit me strong along with the worst acid reflux ever. I’m still tired, although I don’t have to nap three times, just once or twice.
Overall, I’m just confused.
This pregnancy is just so different.
Were yours like this?
The nausea with this one is crushing, and so is the exhaustion. I finally hit 12 weeks too, and I'm starting to feel more like a human again.
I found that drinking soda again helped with the nausea and hunger issues, but still can't find a fix for the exhaustion. My poor blog died for the past two months because I didn't think to set up guest bloggers.
Anytime you need to commiserate, I'm here!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I too am pregnant with my third (31 weeks along). I have been pretty lucky with this pregnancy, almost no symptoms until recently. I have major heartburn. Hopefully things will turn around for you soon. Good Luck!
im on my fourth baby three boys and this one is a girl !!!!!! i know exactly what you are going through sounds just like my pregnancies … i was so sick with my boys and with this one i was not sick for the first 7 wks and then it hit me like a train i was so sick i lost 15 lbs in 1 wk and ended up in the hospital ive been super emotional… i know how you feel !!!!!
When I was pregnant with our daughter, Kalyssa, I did not begin to get sick until the second trimester.(I had night time sickness).I kept my cool with her pretty easily, but I was extremely emotional. Anything could set me off. I lost a total of 11 1/2 pounds with her and had to have medication to be able to keep food down.
I just had our son,Philip, back in February. His pregnancy was completely different from my daughters. I got sick starting in the second month…. I was sick all day long and it finally stopped by the 5th month. I could not eat any kind of hamburger all 9 months. I was not at all emotional.
Here I am three months later and have just started to feel really sick to my stomach and emotional. I am hoping that it is just stress and that I am not pregnant again…. but we will see.
Hope your pregnancy gets better and that you can enjoy it! Congratulations!!
I don't have kids but I do have wicked acid reflux. One thing I tried was chewing gum… I read it on the net and though those people must have mild cases. I find it does help! I have to chew the gum as fast as I can though rather than usual casual pace. Even if the gum has no flavor left just the chewing and swallowing constantly does something to keep the acid at bay.
congratulations :O) I think your in the pink club….
Just had my 4th and each and everyone was different! Good luck! Maybe its a girl… 🙂
Being pregnant when you already have children is SO HARD! I had to park my toddler in front of the tv for the first 4 mths of pregnancy as I lay on the couch sick out of my mind! It got to the point where she would wake up in the middle of the night and ask to watch a show. I felt terrible about it but it had to be done. It was the only way I could have survived. We understand. Do what you need to do to get through it because it IS HARD! Now in 4 weeks I get to learn what it is like to have 2 children 🙂
Congrats! Each pregnancy can be so different from the others. When I was pregnant with my twins(2yrs) it was a breeze, I was a happy and I wasn't uncomfortable until i ended up on bedrest. Then I was pregnant 4 months after the twins and boy was that pregnancy miserable. I was nauseous but that wasn't the worst of it. I had the worst mood swings and I was just in tears all the time. It was painful to carry him and it wasn't a breeze with this one who is now one but it was definitely worth it and we couldn't be happier. It'll get better!
I'm only on my first, as you know, but my old boss used to swear up and down that the only thing that would get her through the day w/o nausea is one of the small cans of Coke, sometimes it had to be at room temperature too, or else she'd get acid reflux. Maybe try that? Lemonade and anything ginger or peppermint helped me a lot…although I don't know how lemonade will go over w/ your acid reflux. Good luck and I hope you start feeling better soon. There is nothing worse than feeling like an emotional train wreck!
Popscicles and ginger tea and yogurt. My third child made me so sick I would be crawling around trying to take care of my other two children. And cable was heaven sent
The tiredness? Yes. I'm 7 weeks and too tired to sew. Seriously. That's, like, world-endingly bad. The nausea? This weekend was horrible. Luckily, it ebbs and flows. Ginger ale doesn't help (it did for #2, but not for #1), so I'm drinking tons of 7UP.
My girl pregnancy and my boy pregnancy were like night and day. This one is feeling more like my girl pregnancy, but I'm pretty sure it's a boy, so … who knows?
HOW exciting!! I don't know what having a baby is like but that's so fun! When are you due!! My sister is due this fall too around thanksgiving also!!
Congratulations! I'm happy for you! Maybe it's gonna' be a girl…..My pregnancies with girls vs. boys were different…I got so I could tell if it was a girl or a boy, just by the how I felt.
Congrats on your pregnancy Heidi. Some things that have helped this pregnancy's heartburn are sleeping sitting up (pack those pillows on the bed so you can sit up in bed), don't take naps during the day (horrible for when exhausted but naps make my heartburn worse every time), a twice a day Rx, and lots of tums. good luck!
Congrats! I'm in my 2nd pregnancy (14 weeks, so right ahead of ya) and it's been so much different than my first. It's weird how that happens. Not emotional at all really, or nauseous, but SO DARN TIRED! Hang in there.
I am so sorry!!! My third was pretty much like you described. I was a little tired with the second, but this last one, the third, I kept falling asleep at my desk at work. LOL! It was bad. I hope it goes quickly for you!!! Hang in there. ♥
Nausea with my first (a girl) was bad, but no throwing up. However, it was bad enough that when I was working, (dental hygienist), if I didn't have a patient I was laying down in the break room. They didn't mind because at least I was there. I don't even think about the emotions, my husband was in Iraq, so who knows which was the source.
My second (a boy), no nausea. Overwhelming tiredness, to the point of, when I work up in the mornings it wasn't odd for my husband to have taken our 18 month old across to the neighbor's house.
My third. Nausea again. I am convinced it is a girl.
Maybe since this one is so different it's a girl!
My first one was easy, no nausea, but half way through I was retaining water like crazy, I must have had 30 lbs of water in me and I couldn't even bend my legs to sit. It was hard. Then preeclampsia.
The second one I was super nauseated but the medication did it's work. By four months I came out of the fog and then got the worse pelvic pain imaginable. I literally could not move because it felt like my pelvis was being ripped apart, it was like that to the end of the pregnancy, preeclampsia again.
This pregnancy I was nauseated till 5 months and medication did not help at all! I spent most of my day on the couch only getting up to feed and change the other two. Now I'm feeling better than ever physically, the pevlic pain disappeared at 4 months but now I'm super emotional. I've never been and I cry at any provocation. It feels wierd not to be in control. Luckily I'm not depressed.
Hang in there!!! I have two months left… BTW I totally know that Chevron in Page… I grew up there 🙂
Congrats and hugs! 9 months from now (when baby is about 12 weeks old) you wont' remember any of that! (You'll be too tired!)
Congratulations Heidi! What wonderful news! Hope all the prego side effects settle down soon! The things we do for our kids right?!