7 Easy Neighbor Gift Ideas by Amy’s Craft Bucket
Aloha! I am so happy to be guest posting on my cousin-in-laws blog while she is on “maternity leave”! Isn’t her new baby adorable and I really can’t say enough good things about Heidi! She is someone I took to right away!
My name is Amy, and I recently started a little blog called “Amy’s Craft Bucket” I also convinced my two sister-in-laws to be my partners in crime. My hubby is a special ed teacher and I chase after four little kiddos all day long!
I can’t tell you how much I would love for you to visit my site! We are having a give away as soon as we hit 5o members! Plus if you mention that you stopped over from Heidi’s blog, I’ll enter your name in the drawing twice:)
Now For The CUTE Stuff! You may have seen something like this already this season, but I really wanted to do a post that featured ideas for Neighbor Gifts this Christmas! So here are 7 ideas and some original short poems that you are free to use!

Here’s What You Say:“Wafer” Not, But Let Your Faith Abound In Christ and Let Your Soul Delight In the True Meaning of The Season! Merry Christmas!”
2.Here Is What You Give:Sparkling Cider
Here Is What You Say: Like the Stars That “Sparkle” in the Night, Friends Like You Bring Our Soul Delight. When the “Sparkling” lights come down and no longer on our rooftop found, Friends Like You Bring Lasting Cheer and Make our Hearts “Sparkle” the Rest of the Year! Merry Christmas!
Here Is What You Say: Like the Stars That “Sparkle” in the Night, Friends Like You Bring Our Soul Delight. When the “Sparkling” lights come down and no longer on our rooftop found, Friends Like You Bring Lasting Cheer and Make our Hearts “Sparkle” the Rest of the Year! Merry Christmas!
Here Is What You Say: Friends Like You Make the Holiday Season “Pop” With Joy! Or
“We “Popped” On Over To Give You This Treat Because We Think You Are Really Neat. At Christmastime You’re A Gift Times Ten And We Feel Really Lucky To Call You A Friend.”
“We “Popped” On Over To Give You This Treat Because We Think You Are Really Neat. At Christmastime You’re A Gift Times Ten And We Feel Really Lucky To Call You A Friend.”
You could also just wrap a bag of pop corn . . . I just thought it looked cuter in the jar for picture’s sake:)
Here Is What You Say: “Shepard’s Kept Their Watch By Night and Saw a New Star Burning Bright. Angels Sang and Greetings Gave And Invited All To See the Babe” May The Light Of Christ Fill your Hearts This Holiday Season!
5. Here Is What You Give: A Christmas Star
Here Is What You Say: “Star Light, Star Bright, A Brand New Star I See Tonight, Bathes the World In precious Light and Hails A Baby’s Birth Tonight” May the Light of Our Savior Bring You Peace and Joy This Holiday Season!
Okay, this is not an original poem, but Here Is What You Say: “We Fish You A Merry Christmas, We Fish You A Merry Christmas, We Fish You A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!”
So, there you have it! I hope you like some of these ideas! Please stop by and visit me at “Amy’s Craft Bucket” I’d love to meet you, so to speak:)
Thank You Heidi, for letting me be a part of your blog! Give baby a kiss from me!
Great ideas! Cute too! Thanks for sharing!!!
I loved the little sayings on these, very cute. They made the simplicity of the gift so clever. Thanks for sharing.
Wafer cookies are so amazing. I have not had one in years!