Weigh-in Wednesday #7: So. Very. Tired.
I think I might be missing that part of my brain that tells me to stop eating dessert. And hence, no weight loss this week. Actually, I haven’t been trying to lose weight the last few weeks because I’ve been trying to figure out how to get my milk supply up. Monday was an all-time low. I thought I’d figured it out with Powerade and Fenugreek. But Monday there was almost no milk, all day. And it was a very hard day.
I was talking to my sister and she mentioned that her biggest milk-killer was not getting enough sleep. And Saturday night I’d gone to bed at 2:30 am. So Monday night I went to bed earlier and the next day my supply was fine. But last night E woke up at 4 am, then 5, 6, and 7. And I dwindled again today. Sigh.
So. Very. Tired.

New plan: go to bed by 11 every night.
Other new plans: I’m starting up Weight Watchers again this week and continuing with the Powerade and Fenugreek. And now that my hubby’s darn Board exam is over (today!!) I am going to start running early in the morning a few times a week.
I’ve also been experimenting with different bottles, trying desperately to get E to start drinking from them. I tried a Playtex Nurser, which she liked the nipple, but not the flow. Those are the ‘drop-ins’ kind with the plastic bag and it makes the flow different than a normal bottle. She got frustrated with it. Then I tried the Avent because the nipple shape was similar to the Nurser and she took to it! She drank almost the whole thing.
Okay, I’m off to bed.
Ahh…I need to go to bed by 11 too. Hope you get energy soon! Kids are wearing but you have lots of friends in the same situation 😉 Love ya girl!
I’m glad that you were able to find a nipple that she liked! I hope that you guys are able to find a happy medium that works for you! Good luck!
Molk supply issues are no fun at all!! I had to just wait until I was done nursing to Telly focus on weightloss. Just wanted to warn you, running drastically impacted my milk supply… Yay for finding a bottle that works!!
My Lilly is 11 weeks and exclusively breast feeding. My weight has gone UP!! Grrrrr…. I’m just hungry ALL THE TIME! I’ve been advised not to adjust my diet too much just cut out the junk. Also want to start exercising again but been warned it might compromise my milk supply 🙁 I totally understand your desire to lose weight, good luck! Hope your supply is not affected.
Thanks for the sympathy, my weight actually went up a little in the last day or so (totally depressing) but I didn’t say so, ha!
Keep it all up, I’m sure things will get going for you, with the weight loss and breastfeeding! Good luck!
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this in previous posts, but I have to drink a ton of water to keep my milk supply up. With my daughter, I quit after 2.5 months of difficulty. I now have a 2 month old son and am doing much better. I drink a ton of water and other liquids all day and probably make more trips to the bathroom now than when I was pregnant! This has been my experience with breastfeeding. I hope it helps!
I feel like I am drinking a ton, trying to anyway! Right now I have a sinus infection so that is stealing all my liquids. Thanks tho!