Valentine’s Succulent Gift & Printable
Valentine’s day is only a few days away! I wanted to come up with a small gift that was cool and fun for some of my friends. Enter the air plant! These little plants are honestly the coolest things ever. I got one a few years ago as a gift and I’ve grown it to be like four times its size with pretty much ZERO tending. If you have a black thumb, try owning an air plant. You pretty much can’t go wrong with this as a Valentine’s succulent gift!

Air plants do need water, though. I keep mine in this little bowl and every now and then I just fill the bowl with water. It drinks the water up and then grows and grows. You don’t actually have to water it that way though…you can spritz it with water, or immerse it for a day and then put it back in the container.

There are so many different ways you could present this as a gift. To keep it super duper simple, you could just wrap it in a clear plastic bag–just blow some air into it before tying it shut (loosely). Air plants live off the nutrients in the air. For my friends gifts, I decided to put them in small Mason jars with a daisy straw lid.

I whipped up this cute little printable tag that is super easy to tie onto your gift, “Life would succ without you!” You can use this for any type of succulent gift. And it works for anyone! Teachers, friends, parents, etc.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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